//create pop-up element var ceiframe = document.createElement("iframe"); ceiframe.src = "https://www.ehandelscertifiering.se/lv5/pratbubbla_tom.php"; ceiframe.id = "ceiframe"; ceiframe.frameBorder = 0; ceiframe.allowTransparency = true; ceiframe.marginWidth = 0; ceiframe.marginHeight = 0; ceiframe.scrolling = "no"; ceiframe.onmouseover = function() { clearTimeout(cetimer); } ceiframe.onmouseout = function() { cehide1(); } ceiframe.style.position = "absolute"; ceiframe.style.display = "none"; ceiframe.style.width = "310px"; ceiframe.style.height = "310px"; ceiframe.style.zIndex = "99999"; document.body.appendChild(ceiframe); function cescroll(xy) { var xScroll, yScroll; if (self.pageYOffset) { yScroll = self.pageYOffset; xScroll = self.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop; xScroll = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers yScroll = document.body.scrollTop; xScroll = document.body.scrollLeft; } if(xy == "x") return xScroll; if(xy == "y") return yScroll; } function cepos(obj, xy) { var curleft = 0; var curtop = 0; if(obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } //cescroll to get relativ to viewport if(xy == "x") return curleft - cescroll("x"); if(xy == "y") return curtop - cescroll("y"); } function ceshow1() { img_w = document.getElementById('ceimg1').width; img_h = document.getElementById('ceimg1').height; img_x = cepos(document.getElementById('ceimg1'), 'x'); img_y = cepos(document.getElementById('ceimg1'), 'y'); var margin = 10; var pop_w = 310; var pop_h = 310; var fit = ""; var just_x = 0; var just_y = 0; //x axis if(img_x > pop_w + margin) { fit = "left"; } else if(img_x > (pop_w / 2) + margin) { fit = "center"; } else { fit = "right"; } //y axis if(img_y > pop_h + margin) { fit = fit + "top"; } else if(img_y > (pop_h / 2) + margin && fit != "center") { fit = fit + "center"; } else { fit = fit + "bottom"; } ceObj = document.getElementById('ceiframe'); var url = "https://www.ehandelscertifiering.se/lv5/pratbubbla.php?url=www.smoketower.com&lang=en&pos=" + fit; if(ceObj.src != url) { ceObj.src = url; } if(fit.substr(0,4) == "left") just_x = just_x - pop_w; if(fit.substr(0,6) == "center") just_x = just_x - (pop_w / 2) + (img_w / 2); if(fit.substr(0,5) == "right") just_x = just_x + img_w; if(fit.indexOf("top") != -1) just_y = just_y - pop_h; if(fit.indexOf("center") != -1 && fit.substr(0,6) != "center") just_y = just_y - (pop_h / 2) + (img_h / 2); if(fit.indexOf("bottom") != -1) just_y = just_y + img_h; //adjust for that we are not calculating from celogo postion but rather body 0,0 just_x = just_x + img_x + cescroll("x"); just_y = just_y + img_y + cescroll("y"); ceObj.style.left = just_x + 'px'; ceObj.style.top = just_y + 'px'; ceObj.style.display = "block"; } function cehide1(delay) { ceObj = document.getElementById('ceiframe'); if(delay) { cetimer = setTimeout("ceObj.style.display = 'none'", 600); } else { ceObj.style.display = "none"; } } /* function cepos(element, xy) { //The counters for the total offset values. var left = 0; var top = 0; //Loop while this element has a parent. while (element.offsetParent) { //Sum the current offsets with the total. left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; //Switch position to this element's parent. element = element.offsetParent; } //Do a final increment in case there was no parent or if //the last parent has an offset. left += element.offsetLeft; top += element.offsetTop; //return {x:left, y:top}; if(xy == "x") return left; if(xy == "y") return top; } */ //activeate javascript on logo, now that we know the functions being called are loaded (they are in this file) //check if it exists first. in can be nonexisten in the case of code loaded for taget frames (where only popup code exists) or errors if(typeof(document.getElementById("celink1")) != "undefined") { var celink1 = document.getElementById("celink1"); //2018: remove line below to inactivate popup celink1.onmouseover = function() { ceshow1(); } celink1.onmouseout = function() { cehide1(true); } //set taget link of whole logo, reuse input data to this script //byt info.php till certificate/ vid sajtbyte celink1.href = "https://www.ehandelscertifiering.se/certificate/?lang=en&url=www.smoketower.com"; } if(typeof(document.getElementById("ceimg1")) != "undefined") { //document.getElementById("ceimg1").style = "width:80px; "; /* document.getElementById("ceimg1").src = "https://www.ehandelscertifiering.se/lv5/logotyp.php?size=&bg=&lang=en&url=www.smoketower.com"; */ document.getElementById("ceimg1").src = "https://www.ehandelscertifiering.se/lv6/trustmark.php?size=&lang=en&url=www.smoketower.com"; }